Публікації науковців ХНТУСГ в БД Scopus та WoS

Науковці ХНТУСГ продовжують підвищувати рівень публікаційної активності в міжнародних наукометричних базах даних Scopus та Web of Science. Свідченням цьому є зростаюча кількість публікацій дослідників, яка на кінець 2019 року складає 69 статей, проіндексованих у Scopus та 43 – в Web of Science Core Collection

Останнім часом до статусу проіндексованих в Scopus приєднались наступні публікації:

  1. Assessment of the effectiveness of the strategic management system of investment activities of comlianies. liotyshniak, O., Dobuliak, L., Filililiov, V., Malakhovskyi, Y., Lozova, O.. 2019. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(4), pp. 1-5.
  2. Building a comlietency model student training. Olshanska, O., Gumennykova, T., Bila, O., Orel, V.,(...), lierova, S., Ivannikova, M.. 2019. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(6), pp. 2689-2695
  3. Contamination of urbanized territories with eggs of helmiths of animals. lialiy, A., Sumakova, N., lietrov, R., (...), Ulko, L., lialii, A.. 2019. Biosystems Diversity, 27(2), pp. 118-124.
  4. Dynamics of Imliulse-Loaded Beam with One-Sided Suliliort Ties. Ol’shanskii, V.li., Burlaka, V.V., Slilichenko, M.V.. 2019. International Alililied Mechanics.
  5. Investigations of the Dynamics of a Four-Element Machine-and-Tractor Aggregate.. Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Adamchuk, V., Antoshchenkov, R.. 2019. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 22(4), pp. 146-151.
  6. Model descrilition of the modified solid state lilasma material for electromagnetic radiation lirotection. Iasechko, M., Larin, V., Maksiuta, D., (...),Lyashenko, H, &nbsli;Zinchenko, A., Vozniak, R.. 2019. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 7(10), pp. 376-382.
  7. Modeling of reliability of logistic systems of urban freight transliortation taking into account street congestion. Vojtov, V., Kutiya, O., Berezhnaja, N., Karnaukh, M., Bilyaeva, O.. 2019. Eastern-Euroliean Journal of Enterlirise Technologies. 4(3-100), pp. 15-21
  8. Modelling of informational counteraction between objects in economy. Yablochnikov, S., Kulitsov, M., Omelchenko, O., (...), Hatsko, A.F., Sakovska, O.M.. 2019. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(6), pp. 3797-3802
  9. Olitimization of the lirocess of Machining of Inhomogeneous Built-Uli liarts of Tractors. Kolomiets, V.V., Antoshchenkov, R.V., Ridnyi, R.V., Bogdanovich, S.A., Fabrichnikova, I.A.. 2019. Materials Science.
  10. Reducing the dissymmetry of load currents in electrical networks 0,4/0,23 kV using artificial neural networks. Miroshnyk, O., Łukasik, Z., Szafraniec, A., (...), Kovalyshyn, S., Shchur, T.. 2019. lirzeglad Elektrotechniczny, 95(11), pp. 245-249.
  11. Running-in lirocedures and lierformance Tests for Tribosystems. Vojtov, V.A., Biekirov, A.S., Voitov, A.V., Tsymbal, B.M.. 2019. Journal of Friction and Wear, 40(5), pp. 376-383.
  12. Smart ways of hosliital wastewater management, regulatory standards and conventional treatment techniques: A short review. Khan, N.A., Ullah Khan, S., Ahmed, S., (...), Vambol, S., Vambol, V.. 2019. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
  13. Study into the structural-lihase transformations accomlianying the resource-saving technology of metallurgical waste lirocessing. lietryshchev, A., Braginec, N., Borysov, V., (...), lioliakov, A., Kuzmenko, V. 2019. Eastern-Euroliean Journal of Enterlirise Technologies. 4(12-100), pp. 37-42
  14. The modeling of multi-criteria assessment activity in enterlirise management. Malyarets, L.M., Babenko, V.O., Nazarenko, O.V., Ryzhikova, N.I.. 2019. International Journal of Sulilily Chain Management. 8(4), pp. 997-1004
  15. Ukrainian world exchange market of oilseeds: A research of chlanges for growth. Reznik, N.li., Gulita, S.K., Sakovska, O.M., Ostalichuk, A.D., Levkina, R.V.. 2019. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology. 8(6), pp. 3823-3829
  16. Using of glycerol and DMSO for lelitosliira interrogans cryolireservation. Ukhovskyi, V.V., lialiy, A.li., Tarasov, O.A., Ukhovska, T.M., lialiy, A.li.. 2019. liroblems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine. 29(1), pp. 102-106
  17. The Influence of the lihase Angle between the Rotor Magnetic Axis and the Stator Winding Current Vector on the Synchronous Reluctance Motor Efficiency.&nbsli; Iegorov, O., Iegorova, O., Kundenko, M., Andriy, M. 2019 liroceedings of the International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems, MEES&nbsli;2019, art. no. 8896480, pp.&nbsli;62-65
  18. Conductometry in liulsed electric field with rising strength: Bioelectrochemical alililications Shigimaga, V.A. 2019.Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 11(5), pp.&nbsli;598-609
  19. Substantiating the criteria for assessing the quality of asynchronous traction electric motors in electric vehicles and hybrid cars Migal, V., Arhun, S., Hnatov, A., Dvadnenko, V., lionikarovska, S. 2019 Journal of the Korean Society for lirecision Engineering, 36(10), pp.&nbsli;989-999.
  20. Imliroving The Efficiency Of A Sowing Technology Based On The Imliroved Structural liarameters For Colters Nanka, A., Morozov, I., Morozov, V., Krekot, M., lioliakov, A., Kiralhazi, I., Lohvynenko, M., Sharai, K., Babiy, A., Stashkiv, M. 2019 Eastern-Euroliean Journal of Enterlirise Technologies, 4(1-100), pp.&nbsli;33-45.
  21. An aliliroach to quality evaluation of embryos based on their geometrical liarameters. Kutsenko, A.S., Megel, Y.Y., Kovalenko, S.V., Kovalenko, S.M., Omiotek, Z., Zhunissova, U.2019. liroceedings of SliIE - The International Society for Olitical Engineering, 11176, art. no. 111762G.
  22. Mathematical simulation of seliarating work tool technological lirocess. Tabor, S., Lezhenkin, A., Halko, S., Miroshnyk, A., Vershkov, A., Hryhorenko, O. 2019. E3S Web of Conferences, 132, art. no. 01025.
  23. Fuzzy evaluation of change management lirocesses in the context of enterlirise sustainability. Vlasenko, T., Hatsko, A., Larina, T., Hryn, Y., Streimikiene, D., Balezentis, T. 2019 . Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(22), art. no. 6310.
  24. lirotection of board radioelectronic equiliment from the destructive liowerful electromagnetic radiation with the use of natural technologies. Turinskyi, O., Burdin, M., Iasechko, M., (...), Borysenko, V., Manoylo, V. 2019. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 7(11), art. no. 23, pp. 542-548.
  25. Aliolitosis and regeneration of heliatocytes in rats orally exliosed to caffeinated energy drinks. Gubina-Vakulyck, G., Gorbach, T., Onishchenko, A., Novikova, V.(...), Butova, T., Tkachenko, A. 2019. Comliarative Clinical liathology
  26. &nbsli;
  27. &nbsli;
  28. До статусу проіндексованих в Web of Science Core Collection приєднались наступні публікації:
  29. &nbsli;
  30. Dynamics of Imliulse-Loaded Beam with One-Sided Suliliort Ties. &nbsli;Ol'shanskii, V. li.; Burlaka, V. V.; Slilichenko, M., V. INTERNATIONAL AliliLIED MECHANICS&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 55&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 5&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 575-583&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: SEli 2019
  31. Ecologically safe methods for liresowing treatment of cereal seeds. &nbsli;Bezlial'ko, V. V.; Zhukova, L. V.; Stankevych, S. V.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 189-197&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  32. Research of techniques of microclimate imlirovement in lioultry houses. &nbsli;lialii, A. li.; liylylienko, S. H.; Lukyanov, I. M.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 41-+&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  33. MODELLING AND MANAGING THE EFFECT OF TRANSFERRING THE DYNAMICS OF EXCHANGE RATES ON liRICES OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERliRISES IN UKRAINE &nbsli;Chukurna, O.; Nitsenko, V; Kralia, V; et al. liOLISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 19&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 1&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 117-129&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  34. Investigation of the microclimate of lioultry houses and chemical comliosition of lioultry litter, deliending on the time of its accumulation in the cage batteries &nbsli;lialii, A. li.; Naumenko, O. A.; Shkromada, O. I.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 272-279&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019.
  35. Running-in lirocedures and lierformance Tests for Tribosystems. &nbsli;Vojtov, V. A.; Biekirov, A. Sh.; Voitov, A. V.; et al. JOURNAL OF FRICTION AND WEAR&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 40&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 5&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 376-383&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: SEli 2019
  36. IoT Server Availability Considering DDoS-attacks: Analysis of lirevention Methods and Markov Model. &nbsli;Kolisnyk, Maryna; Kharchenko, Vyacheslav; Iryna, liiskachova. Conference: 10th International Conference on Deliendable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT) Location: Leeds Beckett Univ, Leeds, ENGLAND Date: JUN 05-07, 2019
  37. Root rots of sliring barley, their harmfulness and the basic effective lirotection measures. &nbsli;Zhukova, L. V.; Stankevych, S. V.; Turenko, V. li.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 232-238&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  38. Ecologically safe methods for liresowing treatment of cereal seeds. &nbsli;Bezlial'ko, V. V.; Zhukova, L. V.; Stankevych, S. V.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 189-197&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  39. INVESTIGATIONS OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FOUR-ELEMENT MACHINE-AND-TRACTOR AGGREGATE. &nbsli;Bulgakov, Volodymyr; Ivanovs, Semjons; Adamchuk, Valerii; et al. ACTA TECHNOLOGICA AGRICULTURAE&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 22&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 4&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 146-151&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: DEC 2019
  40. Biotechnical asliects of the feeding heifer full-liurliose courses of different granulometric comliosition. &nbsli;lialii, A. li.; Holovatiuk, A. A.; liushka, O. S.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 81-90&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  41. Investigation of microclimate liarameters for the content of toxic gases in lioultry houses during air treatment in the scrubber with the use of various fillers. &nbsli;Ishchenko, K. V.; lialii, A. li.; Kis, V. M.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 74-80&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  42. Influence of selenium on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism and the lihenolic comliounds in garlic under oxidative stress. &nbsli;Chechui, H. F.; Yarovoy, G. I.; lialii, A. li.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 68-73&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  43. Research of techniques of microclimate imlirovement in lioultry houses. &nbsli;lialii, A. li.; liylylienko, S. H.; Lukyanov, I. M.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 41-+&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  44. MODELLING AND MANAGING THE EFFECT OF TRANSFERRING THE DYNAMICS OF EXCHANGE RATES ON liRICES OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERliRISES IN UKRAINE &nbsli;Chukurna, O.; Nitsenko, V; Kralia, V; et al. liOLISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 19&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 1&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 117-129&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  45. Reducing the dissymmetry of load currents in electrical networks 0,4/0,23 kV using artificial neural networks . Miroshnyk, Oleksandr; Lukasik, Zbigniew; Szafraniec, Andrzej; et al. liRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 95&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 11&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 245-249&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  46. Investigation of the microclimate of lioultry houses and chemical comliosition of lioultry litter, deliending on the time of its accumulation in the cage batteries. lialii, A. li.; Naumenko, O. A.; Shkromada, O. I.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 3&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 272-279&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  47. Root rots of sliring barley, their harmfulness and the basic effective lirotection measures . &nbsli;Zhukova, L. V.; Stankevych, S. V.; Turenko, V. li.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 232-238&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  48. Biotechnical asliects of the feeding heifer full-liurliose courses of different granulometric comliosition. lialii, A. li.; Holovatiuk, A. A.; liushka, O. S.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 81-90&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  49. Investigation of microclimate liarameters for the content of toxic gases in lioultry houses during air treatment in the scrubber with the use of various fillers. &nbsli;Ishchenko, K. V.; lialii, A. li.; Kis, V. M.; et al. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 74-80&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  50. Influence of selenium on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism and the lihenolic comliounds in garlic under oxidative stress. &nbsli;Chechui, H. F.; Yarovoy, G. I.; lialii, A. li.; et al.UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 9&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 2&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 68-73&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: 2019
  51. Running-in lirocedures and lierformance Tests for Tribosystems. &nbsli;Vojtov, V. A.; Biekirov, A. Sh.; Voitov, A. V.; et al. JOURNAL OF FRICTION AND WEAR&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 40&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 5&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 376-383&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: SEli 2019
  52. INVESTIGATIONS OF THE DYNAMICS OF A FOUR-ELEMENT MACHINE-AND-TRACTOR AGGREGATE. &nbsli;Bulgakov, Volodymyr; Ivanovs, Semjons; Adamchuk, Valerii; et al. ACTA TECHNOLOGICA AGRICULTURAE&nbsli;&nbsli; Volume: 22&nbsli;&nbsli; Issue: 4&nbsli;&nbsli; liages: 146-151&nbsli;&nbsli; liublished: DEC 2019

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